The Live 4D Lottery in Asia!

We strive to surprise you with effort, creativity and motivation, and we created “4D Jackpot Pool” specially for our loyal players.

The “4D Jackpot Pool” is among the most creative bonus system invented by ALOTTO till date, our accumulating bonus system not only gives every player a higher chance to win extra Bonus but also cumulate for the next bonus winner, making you a bigger winner every day!

我们以努力,创意和动力为您带来惊喜,我们专为我们的忠实玩家创建了“ 4D积宝奖金池”。

迄今为止,“ 4D积宝奖金池”是ALOTTO发明的最具创意的奖金系统之一,我们的积宝奖金池系统不仅为每个玩家提供了更多机会赢得额外奖金,而且还为下一个奖金池赢家累积了奖金,每个人都能成为大赢家

How It Works?

Before the drawing end, we have total 13 position (from A to M) for Special Prizes, and we fixed position A as the "Bonus Position"


If your 4D number fall into position A, means you have 3 types of winning possibilitiestion


4D Jackpot Pool System and Payout

4D Jackpot Pool 奖金池


How to become Qualified Bonus Winner?

  1. ALOTTO奖金权限于我们的4D产品
    All ALOTTO Jackpot Pool is only application our 4D product
    ► 大万 BIG
    ► 小万 SMALL
    ► 4ABCDE Single ABCDE
  2. 每个号码的最低投注不得少于
    5 / RM2/ THB15 /IDR6,000 /SGD0.7 The minimum bet for a 4D number must not less than USD0.5 / RM2/ THB15 /IDR6,000 /SGD0.7
  3. 如果您投注USD0.5 的4D号码, 那您将获得1单位ALOTTO奖金单位,如果投注额等于或者小于USD0.99,那您也是获得1单位ALOTTO奖金单位。
    You will earn 1 unit share of the ALOTTO Special Number Jackpot for every USD1 bet for each individual 4D number, and earn 1 unit of thr share if your bet equal or less than USD 0.99.
Country 国际 Betting 投注金额 Qualified Unit 单位
Combodia 柬埔寨
USD 0.5 - 0.99
1 unit 单位
Malaysia 马来西亚
MYR 2 - 3.9
1 unit 单位
Thailand 泰国
THB 15 - 29.9
1 unit 单位
Indonesia 印尼
IDR 6,000 - 11,999
1 unit 单位
Singapore 新加坡
SGD 0.7 - 1.39
1 unit 单位

Note : ALOTTO 4D Jackpot Pool is free and automatically owned, the bet amount company is not arounded.

注意:ALOTTO 4D奖金的单位是免费却自动拥有,投注金额公司是没有进位的。

ALOTTO 4D Jackpot Pool Sharing Policy
ALOTTO 4D奖金池的共享策略

If there is more than one winner for the ALOTTO 4D Jackpot Pool (Including Classic, Glod and Platinum Jackpot.) The ALOTTO 4D Jackpot Pool Prizes that redeem from Jackpot will then be divided equally each “Qualified Winner”.


Please find below for the ALOTTO Jackpot Pool Sharing sample scenario:

30% 经典积宝 Classic Jackpot 50% 黄金积宝 Gold Jackpot 100% 白金积宝 Platinum Jackpot

Sharing Policy

$15000 / 20 unit
$25000 / 20 unit
$50000 / 20 unit

Sharing Per Unit

$750 / unit
$1250 / unit
$2500 / unit

Note : The ALOTTO 4D Jackpot Pool is from the total sales contribution everyday.

注意:ALOTTO 4D奖金池的经济是来自当天总销售额的贡献。